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California State University San Marcos

We are always looking for bright motivated trainees to join our research group in the future - please contact Dr. Kolosov using form at the bottom of this page. 


Paid NSF-funded undergraduate summer research opportunities are available in the Department of Biological Sciences (application required, description here)


Dr. Kolosov is available for consultant appointments, expert and technology transfer interviews, science communication and invited seminar talks (please reach out using the form below).

About Kolosov lab


We are interested in how animals work on cellular and molecular levels - there is nothing that piques my interest more than "odd" and "weird" animals that stretch their physiology to the limit! A fish that lives in water and does not explode or shrink because of salt and water imbalance; a caterpillar that grows ~1,000-fold in weeks and eats ~5 times more than it weighs daily; a mosquito that takes a blood meal equivalent to you drinking your own weight in beer and does not explode. All of these animals use specialized epithelia to re-balance their salt and water content and compensate for their crazy lifestyles.


Dr. Dennis Kolosov is a passionate early-career first-generation animal physiologist and educator in the Department of Biological Sciences at CSUSM. His research group at CSUSM uses vertebrate and invertebrate model organisms (e.g., insects and fish) for the study of epithelial ion transport mechanisms. Study of epithelial ion transport in the Kolosov lab involves the use a variety of cutting-edge laboratory techniques:  

- cell and tissue culture, electrophysiology (e.g., membrane potential measurements, ion-selective microelectrodes) 

- pharmacology and cell/molecular biology (e.g., RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, PCR/qPCR, transcriptional knockdown; cloning and heterologous expression) 

- bioinformatics (RNAseq, Deseq, GOseq, de novo transcriptome assembly, alternative splicing analysis)

- functional bioassays (e.g., paracellular permeability assays; fluid secretion "Ramsay" assays) 


See latest Publications, current Projects, and K-Lab members on the news (Spotlight 1, Spotlight 2) in the lab and join us if decoding how animals work is something you'd like to do at CSUSM!




Get in Touch

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(760) 750-8046

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(760) 750-8046

Science Hall 1, room 210

Dept. of Biological Sciences
California State University San Marcos
333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Rd. 
San Marcos, CA 92096

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©2018 by Dr. Dennis Kolosov, comparative electrophysiologist. Updated in 2021.
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